
OXNARD : Couple to Challenge Harbor District Plan

A Camarillo couple has announced that they will challenge a recent decision to reduce the boundaries of the Oxnard Harbor District.

Donna Hollingsworth, a retired businesswoman who has lived in Camarillo for 33 years, and her husband, Don, a United Airlines pilot, said they will file the challenge Friday with the Local Agency Formation Commission.

The cities of Port Hueneme and Oxnard had asked the agency to reduce the boundaries because officials said they wanted more control over the port’s impact on their communities. Nearly a month ago the agency voted to shrink the harbor district’s boundaries to the city limits of Oxnard and Port Hueneme, eliminating parts of Camarillo, Thousand Oaks and some unincorporated county land.


Robert Braitman, LAFCO’s executive officer, said that if the Hollingsworths file the challenge this week, the five-member commission will consider it at a meeting June 20. A majority vote would dismiss the challenge, he said.
