
New Legislation to Deal With Hate Crimes in United States

George Roche (“Is America Truly a Society of Hate?” Op-Ed Page, April 8) needs to come out from behind the protective walls of his “private, liberal arts institution” and view the world as it really is. Roche seems bent on establishing different levels of prejudice that warrant varying degrees of outrage (or tolerance). Society should be repulsed at the senseless beating of any individual regardless of whether that person is black, Jewish or gay.

Does Roche really believe that racism is passe because a black has advanced to become chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? That’s like saying a black family who comes home to find a cross burning on their lawn should brush it off because Bill Cosby is rich and has one of the most popular shows on television.

The purpose of the Hate Crimes Statistics Act is not to flood the court system. This legislation is needed to wipe away the mask of denial that most Americans have about the true level of bigotry in this country. After all, Gov. George Deukmejian was able to veto the landmark bill (outlawing discrimination in housing and employment based on sexual orientation) because he claimed there was no evidence that such discrimination existed. This in a society where the Supreme Court has legally sanctioned second-class status for homosexuals and a Texas judge hands out a lesser sentence to two young men because their murder victim was gay. Where is the justice in that?



Los Angeles
