
Video Will Feature D.C. Orchestra

American Symphony Orchestra League received a $19,000 grant March 5 from Bell Atlantic Charitable Foundation to fund the creation of a videotape highlighting the D. C. Youth Orchestra Program, a classical music training program.

* United Jewish Fund’s benefit, sponsored by the San Fernando Valley Region Women’s Division of the Jewish Federal Council, was held March 23 at the El Caballero Country Club in Tarzana and raised $220,000. Pamla Vale Abramson chaired the event.

* Howard University’s Charter Day Awards Dinner March 24 at the J. W. Marriott Hotel in Century City netted $35,000. Proceeds will be used for the university’s endowment and alumni scholarship program. Dinner chair was Dr. Ewart F. Brown.


* Sister Kathleen Mission Foundation received a $5,000 grant April 10 from the Fletcher Jones Foundation, enabling the Chikuni Mission Hospital in Zambia, Southern Africa, to repair its damaged ambulance.

* National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Southern California Chapter’s 21st annual fashion show luncheon April 21 and 22 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel was sponsored by Coldwell Banker Commercial Group and hosted by Volunteers in Multiple Sclerosis (VIMS.) The event netted $100,000 for multiple sclerosis research and services. Linda Beisswanger was event chair and Nancy Siegel was honorary chair.

* Teen Line, a teen-to-teen hot line, held its first annual “Food for Thought” luncheon April 19 at Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel and netted $11,000.


* CanTree Committee of the Los Angeles Board of Realtors Inc. received a plaque from Peter Steward, United Way’s liaison, for its efforts in raising more than $4,000 in cash and collecting more than 1,600 canned goods items during its drive to help needy families and the homeless in Los Angeles. The board’s donations fed 80 families during the holidays.
