
Efforts by Caltrans for Car-Pool Lanes

Once again Caltrans’ efforts to ease the traffic flow in Orange County have been upheld, despite ongoing assaults by the staunch advocates of the “one-man, one-house” philosophy of the 19th Century. While endless letters condemn these efforts, we who approve them have been too silent, too ready to use the benefits without willingness to speak out in favor. It is time to do so. It is time to stand up and say Caltrans’ efforts are working, not only in the commuter lanes but also in the lanes carrying that huge majority who cannot or will not share a ride with another.

For 10 years, I have driven the Costa Mesa and the San Diego freeways from Orange to Irvine each morning and night. For eight of those years, I have car-pooled on most days. Before commuter lanes--with or without a passenger--I automatically detoured onto surface streets rather than use the standstill freeways. The coming of the commuter lanes has decreased my travel time at least 15 minutes when I use the commuting lanes.

But more important, my travel time on the freeway has been decreased even when I have had to travel alone.


Through a combination of more people riding two or more in a car and the improvement in the lane design on the Costa Mesa Freeway, all travel has quickened, especially in the morning. Simply and truly, it is better now than it has been any time in the past 10 years.

More accidents? I haven’t noticed an increase, either in the commuter or the regular lanes. It is interesting to note, though, that most of those that do occur in the commuter lane involve someone who is cheating, either by entering or exiting illegally or by driving there as a single occupant of the car.

Of course, it’s not perfect. It probably won’t ever be. But I know it’s better now for everyone than it has been, and any honest driver of these freeways will say the same. And as more people join the commuter crusade, the wisdom of Caltrans will become even more apparent. If we will be half as patient living with the construction while it occurs as Caltrans has been with the rantings of the reactionaries, our travel on the greatest system of roadways in the world will continue to improve.


Thanks, Caltrans. Keep up the work!


