
Irvine Mayor Candidate’s Statements

Recently, during the annual Career Unit held at the junior high where I teach, the eighth-grade students received instruction on how to complete a job application.

Besides being taught the importance of filling out an application neatly and accurately, students were also told that the falsification of information on a job application or resume is grounds for immediate dismissal by most employers.

Most applications contain a statement that job candidates must sign attesting to the validity of their information. The beginnings of a trust relationship between the employee and employer is established by the job candidate’s honest presentation of his/her background.


Councilwoman Sally Anne Sheridan is asking the voters of Irvine to trust her and elect her mayor. That trust has been eroded.

Sheridan falsified one of her educational achievements on her campaign brochure. Grounds for dismissal? Absolutely! The “employers” of Irvine need to “fire” Sally Anne Sheridan. Our young people are watching and learning.


