
French Name Rose After Sister City Newport Beach

Gardeners in Antibes, France, have created a rose named “Newport Beach” after Antibes’ sister city in Orange County.

Antibes officials visited Newport Beach last week to finalize the business and cultural exchanges that will be part of the sister city relationship. Antibes officials announced the new flower last week as Newport Beach leaders dedicated the rose garden in front of City Hall to the French Riviera town.

Speaking through a translator to the 50 or so members of the Antibes delegation visiting Newport, Mayor Ruthelyn Plummer said the purpose of the sister city program is to promote “international understanding and to broaden the horizons of our young students” through home stay exchanges and pen pal programs.


In 1989, Plummer and a group of Newport Beach residents visited Antibes, a Mediterranean port village famous for its production of flowers.

Along with Antibes, Newport maintains cultural and business exchange connections with Okazaki, Japan, and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
