
ANAHEIM : Work Begins on Key Downtown Building

A ground breaking was held Tuesday for one of several office buildings that are part of Anaheim’s plan to redevelop its downtown.

The Masciel family of Anaheim plans to build the two-story, $3.2-million Masciel Office Building at the northeast corner of Lincoln Avenue and Anaheim Boulevard.

The Masciel building is the first of four projects in the downtown area near City Hall that are expected to go up this year. Gary Masciel, a manager for the developers, said there are no definite tenant agreements for the 27,000-square-foot Masciel building, which is expected to be completed next spring.


This summer, the Newport Beach-based Koll Co. plans to break ground on the eight-story Pacific Bell building, followed by the 10-story Anaheim Public Utilities administrative tower.

Construction is also expected to start this summer on the Lincoln Village residential complex, which will include about 400 homes, condominiums and apartments downtown.
