
Malathion Miseries: Spray and Noise Fill the Air Over County

Just how late it was last night, I do not know. I kept my eyes closed as my heart pounded to the sound of the massive helicopters that skimmed the rooftops of my neighborhood, hovering as if stationary, to pour the liquid poison upon us. The mission: to eradicate the Medfly. Never again do I want to experience that kind of violation.

Do they spray your home? Do you hear the choppers coming? Do you feel the vibration as the massive machine hovers directly over your environment expelling the controversial poison?

My throat is sore today; my daughter is wheezing--symptoms we experienced the day after the last spraying, and the one before, and the one before. I do not need a physician or a scientist to validate what I know to be true.


Enough! No one can guarantee to me that I am safe. I want the spraying stopped.

When my place of business elects to spray for insects, I vacate the building. When I dine out, I choose non-smoking. I affirm these choices in my own residence.

And then, without voice or choice, late at night I am awakened by the sounds of invasion and the experience of violation by malathion. No more, please!


