
The Ferguson-Badham Race for the Assembly

It is very interesting to read that the Orange County Republican Party questions candidate Phyllis Badham’s not signing the Pledge when Assemblyman Gil Ferguson has attacked Badham several times--one time calling her an airhead and, quoting from the Feb. 8 Times, saying: “Some of these daughters don’t have enough to do so daddy helps them get into politics.”

It so happens that Badham has a very responsible job and has and is doing very well on her own.

Ferguson so far has refused to attend any meeting Badham will attend. I believe it is the right of all voters to be able to be exposed to all candidates to ask questions, to get straight answers and to learn both sides.


Badham is giving us a choice and is willing to be questioned at all meetings. Do you believe Ferguson should hide from exposure with Badham?

I thank Badham for giving us a choice not controlled by a small group that does not want more than one candidate or one view.


Santa Ana
