
Religion : Curb Dissent, Theologians Told


The Vatican said today that open dissent cannot be tolerated and ordered theologians to refrain from publicly challenging church teaching.

A major document issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith replied in strong terms to Western theologians who have questioned the Roman Catholic Church’s ban on artificial birth control, stand on papal authority and other issues.

“To succumb to the temptation of dissent . . . is to allow the leaven of infidelity to the Holy Spirit to start to work,” said the report, approved by Pope John Paul II.


The document defended punitive action taken against dissidents and said theologians must adhere to doctrine whether it is infallible or not. It rejected the notion that the church should leave moral and sexual matters to personal choice or conscience.

It warned dissenters against making their complaints in the media or trying to influence public opinion.
