
Anger Over Malathion Spraying

As the representative of the First District of the City of Los Angeles, I must express my continued outrage about the ongoing malathion spraying.

We are shocked by Gov. Deukmejian’s latest absurdity--authorizing aerial spraying during sweltering summer nights. A great many families are not lucky enough to have air-conditioned homes and, therefore, are forced to suffer through oppressive heat in unventilated homes, because their windows are closed to keep out the poison.

On behalf of my constituents, many very young and very old, many sick and many poor, many of whom have been subjected to assault after assault, I ask our governor to act conscionably and protect our health and our rights.


We are tired, we are fed-up, we are feeling betrayed. Why won’t Deukmejian accept failure with grace and listen to the will of the people?


Councilwoman, First District

Los Angeles
