
Budget Cuts in State Programs

The state has a new record-high budget, and the gasoline tax just went up by 5 cents a gallon. Yet we still hear people blaming Proposition 13 for cuts in important programs. Proposition 13 is innocent.

First of all, there have been no budget cuts. In 1978, when Proposition 13 passed, the state budget was roughly $14 billion. The budget just approved by the state is slightly under $56 billion. The state budget has quadrupled in 12 years! The population of California has not increased by that much, nor has inflation been so high. The recent news reports of cuts made by the governor in the new budget are misleading: They are cuts in proposed increases.

Second, budget cuts would be a good thing! Every dollar taken in taxes from the person who earns it deprives that person of freedom to choose how to spend the fruits of his or her efforts.


Proposition. 13 was an attempt to stop the politicians from robbing us without limit. It’s a shame it wasn’t stronger.


La Mesa
