
Of the 100 largest publicly traded companies...

Of the 100 largest publicly traded companies in Orange County, 15 gained value Thursday, 50 lost and 35 remained unchanged.

Thurs. Percent Company Price Change GAINERS BE Avionics $8.25 +6.5 Provena Foods 4.50 +5.9 J M Peters 3.13 +4.3 First Amer Class A 9.25 +2.8 Downey S&L; 12.38 +2.1 LOSERS Pacesetter Bus Prop 3.25 -13.3 Quiksilver Inc. 14.75 -13.2 National Education 3.00 -11.2 FHP Inc. 12.25 -10.9 Wet Seal 12.00 -7.7

Source: Newport Securities
