
‘Sister Mary Ignatius’: Is It Comedy or Bigotry?

The complaints against “Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All To You,” registered by Costa Mesa residents John and Ernie Feeney as being “anti-religious bigotry,” are totally ludicrous (“Pair Seek to Close Play in Costa Mesa as ‘Anti-Religious,’ ” Sept. 12). I don’t know when I have spent a more enjoyable afternoon filled with lots of delightful laughs!

It seems that some people . . . state that this play “goes beyond satire and viciously attacks the beliefs of the Catholic Church.” Is it the truth that offends the Feeneys? If the play hadn’t presented the truth about Catholic dogma, then there is nothing to be upset about!

We are all spirits housed in the body, so where is our spirituality toward God instead of dogmas of various religious faiths? Dogmas did not come from God!


“Sister Mary Ignatius” and “The Actor’s Nightmare” were excellent and gave many people much needed laughter. I have certainly seen PG-13 movies that were not as funny and certainly were more offensive in language, dress and love scenes than this play.

Get Spiritual, not Religious! They are two different things. God is spirit and we are letting church leaders dictate to us religious dogmas and symbolism, not the spirituality of God.

Grants from the government have most certainly been squandered in many more wasteful and sinful ways than any grant received by the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse.


I am sure God and his Son, Jesus, had some good chuckles with “Sister Many Ignatius.”


Corona del Mar
