
Going to Coliseum Is a Day in Park

When they re-create the Coliseum in 1992, I hope some thought is given to traffic engineering and parking. I have been a season ticket-holder for USC football for the past six years, and every year the traffic and parking problems get worse. The maze of parking lots on campus appears to have been designed by someone from the psychology department. And the parking attendants were obviously trained by a guy who could teach Larry Smith a few things about misdirection plays.

For Saturday’s home opener, I was stuck in traffic for more than an hour waiting to get into the campus parking lots. After the game, I was able to listen to most of the UCLA-Stanford game while waiting to get back out of those lots. I spent as much time in the traffic outside the Coliseum as I spent watching the game inside.

Is this part of a conspiracy to get L.A. sports fans to stay home and watch the games on television?



Laguna Niguel
