
BUENA PARK : Civic Groups Back 3 Council Candidates

Both the police and firefighters associations have announced their endorsements for City Council candidates Rhonda J. McCune, Max Schulman and Art Brown.

After a series of interviews with the eight candidates, selections were made by the groups’ political action committees and then sent to the associations for confirmation.

Three seats will be decided in the November election, including those of incumbent McCune and Councilwoman Donna L. Chessen. Councilman Kenneth B. Jones has decided not to seek reelection.


“One of our primary concerns is reopening the communications line between the council and the employee bargaining units,” said Detective Buck Buchanan, vice president of the Police Assn. “We want to get people elected we feel will be a positive influence for all people in the city.”

It is the second time the two organizations have endorsed Schulman. A businessman active in the annual Silverado Days festival and former member of the Centralia School Board, he was unsuccessful in his council bid three years ago.

McCune, chosen for her “experience and fair treatment,” was the city’s first female mayor. She is active in the Boys Club and a former member of the Planning Commission.


A first-time candidate, Brown is a retired deputy sheriff and a member of the Crime Prevention Committee.
