
Oxnard Issue Should City Change Its...

We don’t need to change the name; we need to change people’s attitude and think positively about it. I would encourage our resort operators when they’re talking to potential customers about their amenities to remind them that it’s in Oxnard. Then Oxnard will be associated with beaches and rich agriculture and recreation, instead of the dingy little farm town it was 20 years ago. Out-of-towners who haven’t been here for awhile come back and say they can’t believe the changes we’ve made in Oxnard. If they had a referendum on a name change, I think the name Oxnard would win, based on civic pride. Besides, changing the name of a city would be a massive undertaking, what with having to change the letterhead and signage, for instance. We could add Santa to our name and be Santa Oxnard. The thing that I like about the word Oxnard is that once you tell people the name, they never forget it.
