
Commuters’ Resistance to Car Pooling

I read with interest your article on freeway congestion, but was disappointed when I failed to find any mention of the impact motorcycles have on the overall traffic situation in Southern California. I began riding some years ago when the parking situation at UC San Diego became intolerable, and have since found a number of unanticipated benefits.

For starters, motorcycles use much less fuel than most cars, with a corresponding reduction in emissions, and they are less expensive to purchase and maintain than a car, using less oil, rubber and other resources.

They also take up less space on both the freeway and in the parking lot. Finally, when practiced responsibly, lane-splitting gets motorcyclists through traffic jams quickly.


A motorcyclist has a shorter commute and doesn’t have to leave work as early as an auto driver to make an appointment, creating more work hours.

PETER BUTLER, Laguna Beach
