
Escondido Moves Ahead With Arts Center Plan


The Escondido City Council decided Wednesday to go forward with the design of a proposed $73.4-million arts center.

The council also authorized the solicitation of construction bids for the center, beginning in mid November.

Council members, however, expressed concern over the escalating cost of the center, which had been originally estimated at $32 million when planning began in 1983. A projected $1 million annual operating deficit for the center also drew negative comments from council members.


“I see this project as squeezing every possible penny that this city has into this project,” Councilwoman Carla DeDominicis said. “We’re making an awful lot of assumptions and some of these assumptions are really very liberal.”

DeDominicis felt that, by constructing the four-part arts center in separate stages, the city would be able to better determine how well-equipped it is to finance the project.

“It seems like we’re trying to buy the whole apple in one bite,” she said.

The city has created a yet-to-be-named nonprofit corporation to be responsible for fund-raising and to take over operation of the arts center after it is built.


The center is slated to be completed by summer of 1993. The nonprofit group hopes to raise $10-$12 million to be placed in an endowment fund to cover the $1 million operating deficit.

The arts center will include a 1,500-seat theater, a 400-seat community playhouse, a large amphitheater and 800-capacity conference center, containing galleries, a library wing and studios.

Supporters of the center hope it will attract redevelopment to downtown Escondido, increasing sales tax revenue.
