
Activists Urge Shipping Garbage to the Desert

Anti-dump activists from the San Fernando and Santa Clarita valleys formed a united front Wednesday to fight proposed landfills in the region, urging that the county’s garbage instead be shipped by train to the desert.

Some even offered to support stations for garbage trains in their neighborhoods instead of dumps.

The meeting brought together the Santa Clarita Valley Canyons Preservation Committee, Santa Clarita Civic Assn., Save Our Sylmar, North Valley Coalition from Granada Hills and Communities United for Safe Trash Management from Sylmar and Lake View Terrace. The groups have traditionally acted independently against landfills in their back yards--Lopez Canyon above Lake View Terrace, Sunshine Canyon above Granada Hills and Towsley and Ellsmere canyons in the Santa Clarita Valley.


The activists said their best hope of foiling new landfills is to offer better alternatives, such as shipping trash to proposed remote sites in Riverside or San Bernardino counties.
