

These are the candidates running for three seats on the Anaheim Union High School District Board of Trustees in the Nov. 6 election. Two members whose seats are up, Jo Anne Barnett and Charles “Chuck” Hicks, Jr., are leaving the board to seek City Council positions in Anaheim and Cypress.

Hersh Cherson

Age: 44

Occupation: Businessman

Background: Anaheim parks and recreation commissioner; past president of athletic boosters; has coached Little League, Bobbie Sox, youth basketball and soccer teams; active in anti-gang and anti-drug youth education; supported by state employees’ union and teachers’ union; three children attended Anaheim schools.

Issues: Wants to bring a business-like approach to solving district problems, including those of poor staff morale and teachers seeking positions in other districts; also concerned about low budget reserves and improving safety at schools.


Molly McGee

(Photo not available) Age: 36

Occupation: Educational consultant; writer

Background: Elected to the board in 1973 when she was 19 years old and served until 1983; was student representative to the state Board of Education during high school; retired from board because she does not believe elected positions are lifetime positions. Current member of Altrusa and PTA; has three children.

Issues: Wants to help district make transition to fit changing demographic needs; wants to offer more services to better address gang- and drug-related problems; wants to help improve relations between board and teachers.

Shirley Rehm

Age: 58

Occupation: Self-employed clothing designer

Background: School board secretary for the past five years before retiring last year; supported by retired employees’ association; 30-year Anaheim resident; four children have attended district schools, and a grandson is currently attending a district school.


Issues: Wants to bring “new blood” to the board; believes she has more knowledge about the district from various perspectives than most current board members; believes concerns such as the dropout rate, financial problems, gangs and drugs can be addressed only if the board listens to all involved.

Jo Anne L. Stanton

Age: 61

Occupation: Incumbent

Background: Elected in 1979 after two other members were recalled; helped spearhead district’s drug-education program and supported alternative education classes; past band booster president; two sons attended district schools.

Issues: Wants to expand vocational training programs and lobby legislators to improve state funding methods; believes district needs to better address changing demographics in the schools to ensure equal opportunity for all students.


Lola Tapia

Age: 50

Occupation: County eligibility supervisor

Background: Longtime involvement with schools, camp counselor, foster parent and hosting foreign exchange students; supported by state, county and municipal employees’ union; five children have attended district schools.

Issues: Wants to make school board more approachable for “ordinary people” who may not be familiar with district politics; believes board needs to be more open to community questions, with more of an “open door” policy; wants district to encourage more minority teachers to act as role models for the growing minority population.

Donald L. Weddle

Age: 56

Occupation: Public affairs rector

Background: Former campaign consultant and campaign poll taker for various local elections; former business owner; past band booster; has volunteered for Crippled Childrens’ Society, United Way and various local youth groups; supported by teachers’ union and employees’ union; two children have attended district schools.

Issues: Wants the district to use surplus property rather than sell it to developers to avoid emergency spending later when there is an enrollment boom; hopes to better retain teachers.

Beverly Yourstone

Age: 47

Occupation: Adult vocational school director

Background: Longtime PTA member; former site council member and Scout troop leader; currently first woman president of Katella High Athletic Booster Club; three children have graduated from district schools, one is now enrolled.

Issues: Priorities are to provide for basic needs of students, such as a chance at academic excellence and safe campuses that are free of gangs and drugs; wants to promote extracurricular activities and keep a limit on class size.
