
Eastern Powerhouses Go South for the Fall : THE COLLEGES

In college football, the East is the least. No Eastern team is in the Top 25 for the first time since 1979.

Pittsburgh, Syracuse, Penn State and Boston College have a combined record of 5-7-3. The Bottom Ten selectors, caught up in the realignment craze, have moved them into the Ivy League, whose eight teams failed to win a game Saturday. The new 12-team conference is ranked No. 1 this week.

In the Bottom Ten Alumni Dept., one-time member Oregon’s vicious Ducks crushed helpless Brigham Young and quarterback Ty Detmer, 32-16, prompting the NCAA to announce that there will be no Heisman Trophy awarded this year.


Duck defensive back Daryle Smith said afterward: “Some people don’t even know how to pronounce ‘Oregon.’ They do now.”


Team, Record Last Loss Next Loss 1.(Tie)Brown (0-3) 28-35, Fordham) Princeton 1.Columbia (0-3) 9-42, Lehigh Lafayette 1. Cornell (1-2) 21-42, Bucknell Harvard 1. Dartmouth (1-1-1) Tied N.H., 21-21 Holy Cross 1.Harvard (2-1) 14-35,HolyCross Cornell 1. Penn (1-2) 13-20, Lafayette Lehigh 1. Princeton (1-2) 13-39, Colgate Brown 1. Yale (2-1) 7-44, Conn Colgate 1. B.C. (1-2) Def.Navy, 28-17 Rutgers 1. Penn St (1-2) Idle Temple 1.Pitt (2-2-1) 24-38,WVa Healing 1. Syracuse (1-1-2) Idle Vandy

13. Nebraska’s cream-puff schedule; 14. Alabama (1-3); 15. BYU’s running attack (minus 47 yards vs. Oregon); 16. Texas Tech (1-3); 17. Texas (1-1); 18. Oregon State (0-5); 19. Idle; 20. The Heisman Trophy race.


ROUT OF THE WEEK: Temple (2-2) over Penn State (1-2).

KUDOS DEPT.: UCLA student Ann McLean, on the Bruins’ inclusion in the Bottom Ten last week: “I was appalled as I read the Bottom Ten on Page 14 of today’s Sports Section. The only good thing I can say about it was that it was on the last page.”


New England (whose owner, Victor Kiam, also markets Lady Remington shavers) and Cincinnati were involved in controversies over mistreatment of female reporters. An enraged Houston aide struck a photographer with his foot at the Oiler-San Diego Charger game, prompting speculation that he might be the kicker San Diego was seeking. Thirty-one Raider fans were arrested on a variety of charges.

Was anything happening on the field Sunday? In the case of the Steelers, no. Pittsburgh’s new, misdirected offense still has not scored a touchdown. Fortunately, for the Steelers, their magic number is 12 (games left in the season).


Phoenix quarterback Timm Rosenbach, a former Washington State star, was a bit disoriented himself, attempting at one point to take the snap from a guard, rather than from the center. (The Washington Huskies’ Mark Brunell made the same error earlier--what is it with quarterbacks from that state?)

Meanwhile, the Vikings added a new dimension to their offense by installing Anthony Carter as a punt returner. Of six kicks that came his way Sunday, Carter allowed one to bounce more than 20 yards past him and called fair catches on five others. The new dimension: Boredom.



Coach, Team Lbs. Lost* Games Lost 1. Knox, Sea 62 3 2. Ryan, Phila 34 3 3. Lasorda, LA 35 70+

*Well publicized off-season diets.


Team,Record Last Loss Next Loss 1. Minn (1-3) 20-23,TB* Detroit 2. Phila (1-3) 23-24, Indy** Idle 3. Detroit (1-3) 21-24,GB Minn 4. Kiam (1-3) 13-37, Jets L.Remingtons

* Overtime.

** Disregard--inadvertent asterisk.


Team, Record OTDs* Next Loss 1. Pitt (1-3) 0 San Diego

*TDs scored by offense this year.

CRUMMY GAME OF THE WEEK: Detroit (1-3) at Minnesota (1-3).

THEN, DON KING GOT INVOLVED IN THE NEGOTIATIONS: When Washington quarterback Gary Hogeboom said Phoenix had no class before last Sunday’s Card-Redskin game, Phoenix Coach Joe Bugel responded: “I’m going to call him up when they get to town. He better be ready to fight me on the 50-yard line.” (The fight never came off.)
