
Of the 100 largest publicly traded companies...

Of the 100 largest publicly traded companies in Orange County, 32 gained value Thursday, 28 lost and 42 remained unchanged for the day. The following chart shows the five biggest percentage winners and losers among county companies’ stocks.

Thurs. Percent Company Price Change GAINERS US Facilities $3.50 +11.8 Hycor Biomedical 4.69 +10.4 Pacesetter Bus Prop 3.25 +8.3 First Amer Class B 8.00 +6.7 Western Digital 6.63 +6.1 LOSERS J M Peters 2.88 -14.8 Provena Foods 4.00 -11.1 American Pacesetter 3.75 -6.3 Standard Pacific 5.75 -6.2 Parker Automotive 7.50 -4.8

Source: Newport Securities
