
ANAHEIM : New Contract Gives Teachers Pay Hike

Teachers in the Anaheim Union High School District will receive a 4% pay increase and new benefit options under a new three-year contract agreement between the union and the district.

The accord also allows for an additional salary increase if extra money for cost-of-living raises is available from the state.

The agreement reached last week followed an unusually short contract negotiation period between the district and the Anaheim Secondary Teachers Assn., said Jo Anne Barnett, a school board trustee.


An additional concession in the contract allows the union to enforce an “agency fee” for membership, which the district will collect. Those teachers who do not want to pay the union fee have the option to pay that money instead to a charity.

The fee was to be a hotly disputed topic in the upcoming Nov. 6 school board election, but including it in the contract removes that concern.

The accord also expands personal leave time to include attending weddings and graduations of immediate family members. The contract will run until Aug. 31, 1993.
