
WESTMINSTER : Robbery Suspect Arrested by Police

A gunman who allegedly robbed a branch of the Orange County Federal Credit Union of $30,000 was arrested Thursday after firing at officers, police said. Nobody was injured during the 11 a.m. incident.

Police said Reggie Leon Brown, 19, of Long Beach walked into the credit union at 7915 Westminster Blvd. and held several tellers at gunpoint.

Witnesses saw the bandit flee and walk into a nearby fast-food restaurant.

When officers approached the restaurant, Brown ran out the door and down the street. Officers followed in their patrol car.


During the chase, Brown turned and fired two shots, missing the officers but hitting the left front grill of their car, police said.

Brown kept running and was found hiding in a bush. Both the money and a 9-millimeter semiautomatic handgun were recovered, police said.
