
Authors of ‘Tracers’

Thanks to Ray Loynd for his Sept. 17 review of the Cal State Northridge production of “Tracers.”

I would like to comment on the tendency of Calendar listings (not written by Loynd) to call the play “John DiFusco’s Vietnam drama.” I organized the original group, led the creation of the play and made final script decisions. I am the creative force behind the play, but we all share writing credit. The content comes from all our lives.

Here in “Hollywood” I think we are unique in this sharing. I would like to list the authors, especially because two (Merlin Marston and Vincent Caristi) are very recently deceased. The published script reads “ ‘Tracers,’ a play conceived by John DiFusco, written by the original cast of Vincent Caristi, Richard Chaves, John DiFusco, Eric E. Emerson, Rick Gallavan, Merlin Marston and Harry Stephens with Sheldon Lettich.”



North Hollywood
