
THE PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY : Percentage of Racial and Ethnic Groups

Anglo: 41.9

Black: 11.3

Latino: 35.0

Asian and Other: 11.8

The use of the term “minority” to designate people of color has become increasingly erroneous. Anglos are the largest racial group in the county, accounting for 41.9% of the population. But when “minority” figures are combined, these groups account for 58.1% of the overall population.

Source: L.A. County Department of Health Services, April, 1988, and the county Commission on Human Relations.

Immigrants and Refugees (By selected countries of origin)

Mexico: 31.914%

U.S.S.R: 10.742%

Iran: 9.006%

Philippines: 8.079%

Vietnam: 5.887%

Korea: 5.532%

El Salvador: 5.249%

China: 3.803%

Guatemala: 2.191%

Taiwan: 2.145%

Cambodia: 1.731%

India: 1.270%

The dramatic population changes of the last decade are expected to continue into the next century, with major implications for health, education and social service systems. All will see a mushrooming need for programs aimed at specific populations and for bilingual services.


Source: L.A. County Department of Health Services, 1988, and the county Commission on Human Relations.

Projected Population by Year 2000

Anglo: 33.41%

Black: 10.47%

Latino: 38.84%

Asian and Other: 17.28%

One out of every 10 newcomers to the United States settles in Los Angeles County. However, these countries of origin for any given year can change as a result of shifts in immigration laws, political opinion and events in other countries.

Source: State Department of Finance, Population Research Section, and the county Commission on Human Relations.
