
COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS : Panel Encourages Car-Pooling to Help Reduce Air Pollution

Compiled from reports of campus correspondents and Times staff writers

A newly formed transportation committee at College of the Canyons is attempting to reduce air pollution by decreasing the number of automobile trips to the Santa Clarita Valley campus.

Under the program, already under way, the campus is providing eight parking spots for full-time employees who car-pool, said Cal Allsup, who heads the committee. The number of parking spaces will be increased as participation grows, said Allsup, a certified coordinator and COC facilities director.

A van is available for use by car-poolers who need emergency rides home, he said.

“Our cars are a luxury and we look at them as essential tools,” Allsup said. “We need to get into a different frame of mind.”


COC’s program, which is open to 322 full-time staff members, has caused the college to initiate more flexible work schedules. Some employees work 80 hours in nine days and have every other Friday off as compensation. Others work four 10-hour days or spend a day once a week working at home.

The program is among those mandated by the South Coast Air Quality Management District in an ambitious effort to clean up the air in the Los Angeles basin. The AQMD has required COC to increase its daily average of commuters per car from 1.13 to 1.3, or face fines of up to $25,000 a day.

COC’s committee also is considering asking local businesses to donate car washes or oil changes. Allsup said that COC, as well as the AQMD, will continue to monitor the program. Eventually, the program is expected to also encompass part-time faculty and students.
