
HUNTINGTON BEACH : Candidates File Finance Reports

Councilwoman Grace Winchell and challenger Marc Porter, who are emphasizing grass-roots, environmentalist campaigns, lead other candidates in fund raising, according to mandatory political finance reports filed Friday.

Meanwhile, in the city attorney’s contest, incumbent Gail C. Hutton is leading challenger Paul Eugene Mann in fund-raising by a margin of more than 7 to 1.

In the council races, Winchell, the only incumbent seeking reelection in balloting for four contested seats, collected $20,478 in cash, loans and non-monetary contributions through Sept. 30, according to her campaign disclosure statement.


Former police chief Earle Robitaille was runner-up, reporting $18,420 in receipts, including $5,000 in loans from himself to his campaign. Porter, who is running on an environmentalist slate with Winchell and Linda Moulton-Patterson, reported collecting $13,456.

Another candidate expected to be among the campaign’s leading fund-raisers, planning commission member Edward G. Mountford, did not file his financial statement at the city clerk’s office by Friday’s deadline. He was unavailable for comment.

Candidates Anthony Passannante and Steven J. Roy also have not filed the mandatory disclosure forms.


Among Winchell’s earnings, $18,478 came from cash donations, mostly from individuals, including many members of local environmental groups. Winchell reported having $3,321 remaining in her account by Sept. 30, the end of the filing period.

Robitaille’s $13,420 in cash donations included at least $5,400 from development and real estate-related individuals or businesses. He reported having $7,456 remaining in his campaign fund.

Like Winchell, Porter’s disclosure’s reflected a similar emphasis on individual contributions from environmental activists. Of the $9,661 he has raised in cash, $6,361 was reported as coming from individual donations of less than $100. Porter listed $8,611 remaining in cash on hand.


Former councilman Jack Kelly reported raising $11,750, all in cash donations. Kelly received $3,000 from development-oriented interests and $2,000 from political action committees. He reported having $5,205 left on hand.

Moulton-Patterson, president of the Huntington Beach Union High School District board, reported garnering $10,460 from a variety of donors, including developers, educators and environmentalists. She posted $880 in cash remaining at the end of September.

Among other candidates who reported their financial status Friday, Dirk Voss collected $1,784, and had no money remaining. Paul Edward Cook, who announced in July his withdrawal from the race, and City Hall gadfly George E. Arnold each filed statements reporting having raised less than $1,000.

In the race for city attorney, Hutton reported collecting $15,998, with $9,626 remaining on hand. Mann, a Santa Ana-based attorney, reported $2,200 in contributions, with $1,600 still unspent.
