
Sacramento District Attorney to Investigate Floyd’s Charges

The Sacramento district attorney’s office plans to investigate charges by Assemblyman Richard E. Floyd (D-Carson) that the California Horse Racing Board conducted secret meetings. Floyd outlined the serial telephone meetings in a letter to Steve White, Sacramento district attorney on Tuesday.

“We intend to make all the inquiries into the nature of this matter,” said Albert Locher, a prosecutor in the district attorney’s office. “We see these charges from time to time but rarely about state boards and agencies.”

The CHRB is accused of violating the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act. Floyd said that Sue Ross, the legislative liaison for the CHRB, routinely polls board members on particular bills or issues until a majority is reached, then composes a letter under the signature of CHRB chairman Henry Chavez. All this is said to be done before any public meetings are held.


Locher said the investigation will take two to five weeks.
