
Morale of Marines in Persian Gulf

As a “Marine Corps brat,” I found your comments about Gen. Gray, and his comments to the troops, very funny and very far off-base. Marines always get sent to unpleasant places, and they are always expected to go there and do their job, regardless of heat, low rations, hostility, boredom and what-have-you. Suggesting that these things are “problems” to the Marines is an insult to their training and dedication.

Gen. Gray was only reminding them of who and what they are and of the traditions behind their Corps. He is quite right in saying that well-trained and motivated troops can and will overcome such conditions. It is just what they needed and wanted to hear. I am very concerned, however, about your editorial writer. Is he/she one of those “soft,” “coddled” Americans, with no determination, who would pack up and go home if he/she doesn’t get instant gratification? Maybe. I’m sure that those Marines are made of much better stuff.


Los Angeles
