
PLATFORM : Yoruba Faith

It’s a bad law. If they are going to pass such a law, they should have it passed all over the country. They shouldn’t just restrict it to Los Angeles where you have a lot of the Yoruba people.

I don’t think it will affect the practice of the religion, because people are going to practice it anyway. They just will be wiser about the way they do it. (The religion) is already underground. It’s been going on for thousands of years.

I don’t know how they ever came to the conclusion that animals are tortured. And we would not leave dead animals around. It’s just not done that way. That is a lot of media hype.


What is the difference in what we do and the killing of wild horses (by government agencies) or cows (in slaughterhouses)?

Of course there is an element of racism behind the law. If they could stop us from playing drums they would do that, too.
