
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS : Amtrak Visits East Coast Foliage

Question: Are there any train tours through the East to see the foliage regions?

Answer: Amtrak passes through most of the principal foliage areas in New England and the Adirondacks, as well as through the Blue Ridge and Appalachian mountains. It also offers tour packages with hotels. For more information, call (800) 872-7245.

Q: Is the new Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans similar to the various marine parks such as Sea World?

A: The new $50-million aquarium along the Mississippi will exhibit 10,000 fish, plus wildlife from North, Central and South American habitats. There’ll be entertainment, but no killer whale or dolphin circus.


Q: Are there any bed and breakfast inns in New York City? If so, what do they cost?

A: Call the Bed and Breakfast Network at (212) 645-8134. Generally, singles range from $50 and doubles from $70, as well as unhosted apartments from $80.

Q: What are the best new musicals scheduled for Broadway this fall?

A: The top musicals will be “Miss Saigon” (opening in the spring); “Nick and Noa,” a musical version of the old William Powell-Myrna Loy movies, and “Shogun,” a musical based on the novel.

Q: Do most large hotels have business centers for personal use?

A: Most large chains either offer such facilities or locate them for guests. Some also can supply such extras as secretarial service, computer printers, a software library, a graphic desktop, voice mail, a fax machine, a telex and an in-room modem. Check with a travel agent to see what’s available or call the hotel.


Q: Is brass rubbing permitted at London’s Westminster Abbey?

A: Kings, queens and other royalty memorialized in the Abbey are available for rubbing. Fee is about $5. All materials are provided.

Q: What happens when a car rental firm guarantees that a specific car will be available upon arrival, then doesn’t have it?

A: If it doesn’t have the model or make promised, it will probably upgrade customers at no extra cost. If it is out of cars, it will borrow one from a competitor. It also will charge the rates specified while the reservations were being made.


Q: We’re planning a Florida vacation. Where can I get details about special events, hotels, rates , etc?

A: Call (800) 624-0151, Florida’s new tourist information hot line, for what’s going on, plus information on local facilities and available hotels and condos.

Q: Is there a computerized listing of cruise ship discounts that can be obtained with a personal computer?

A: Cruise Star lists 125 ships, sailings, rates and itineraries for personal computer users. For information, call (800) 627-9251.
