
PLACENTIA : Pay Raises Approved for City Workers

The City Council approved new contracts with city workers, police officers and police managers that grant a total of $485,893 in pay raises this year.

The agreements, passed unanimously last week, raise pay 7% for 1990-91, keeping city employees’ wages at mid-range among Orange County cities, according to a city survey. The contracts run for three years for 14 police managers and 80 city employees and four years for 40 police employees.

The city will use reserve account funds to pay for the pay increases, said Lee R. Sale, Placentia’s director of personnel.


The new contracts provide for a six-month trial period to test police employees on a “four-10” plan, in which they will work a four-day workweek, 10 hours a day. The workweek will be tested for six months starting in January, 1994.

In addition, city employees will test a “nine-plan” for six months starting in January, 1993. Under that plan, employees will work nine-hour days with a three-day weekend every two weeks.
