
SIMI VALLEY : Mayor’s $8,364 Tops in Campaign Funds

Simi Valley Mayor Greg Stratton and Councilwoman Ann Rock, both running for reelection, and council candidate Sandi Webb have raised more money than eight others vying for two council seats and the mayor’s post on Nov. 6.

Stratton, who is seeking a third term as mayor, reported the largest campaign fund, according to campaign statements filed with the city clerk’s office. Stratton reported raising $8,364. The deadline for filing was Friday.

Stratton said about half of the money in his treasury stemmed from his 1988 campaign. Contributions he received from Jan. 1 through Sept. 30 came largely from business owners and developers, including $750 from Ahmanson Developments Inc., $500 from the Ventura Pacific Capital Group and $250 from the Lusk Cos.


Stratton’s lone challenger, Alfred J. Wilson Sr., a retired Los Angeles bus driver, has raised $255, according to campaign statements.

Council candidate Sandi Webb, a Simi Valley businesswoman, reported the second largest campaign fund with $7,750, including $6,000 in personal funds.

Councilwoman Ann Rock, who is seeking her third term, has raised $6,582. About half of the money came from business owners and developers. The largest contribution--$1,000--came from the Mid Valley Management Co. She also received $250 each from Blackstone Consultants and Walnut Court Development, and $200 from Dantona Associates.


Judy Mikels, a Simi Valley businesswoman and chairwoman of the Planning Commission, has raised $5,883, mostly from developers and business owners. Voit Development Co. contributed the largest amount, $1,000. Mithra Partnership and San Port Development each contributed $250.

David McCormick, a Simi Valley businessman, reported $5,676 in loans and contributions from local businesses, including $500 from Simi Pacific Building Materials and the same amount from Conejo Enterprises Inc. McCormick contributed $1,000 to his campaign.

Candidate Harold Fick, who ran unsuccessfully for a county supervisor seat in the June primary, reported $3,850, nearly all of it his own.


Marilyn E. Maurer, a retired school teacher, has contributed $1,438 to her campaign. Candidate John Etter, an environmentalist, reported $1,406.

Candidates Bruce Kanegai and Kenneth Wenning reported that they will spend less than $1,000 on their campaigns.
