
Charlesworth’s Foreign Affairs Help to Kick Cypress’ Soccer Up a Notch

George Charlesworth’s soccer game takes on a worldly tone when he speaks of it.

It’s not that he’s trying to sound conceited or vain, he has simply had some unique opportunities afforded him during the past few summers, when he has played in youth tournaments in Europe.

Charlesworth, who is a freshman center halfback at Cypress College, has spent four of the last five summers playing soccer in Sweden, Finland and Austria on a team from Southern California.

He first went overseas in 1986 at age 14. He was part of a touring team made up of talented Southland players who could raise the necessary expenses. He has since played on similar teams in 1987, ’88 and ’89.


“It has been a great opportunity,” said Charlesworth, 18. “We get to see some sites and be part of a different culture. Plus, they are really good over there and that helps you improve.”

It appears Charlesworth’s summers have been well-spent, as his eight goals currently lead Cypress, which has made impressive gains under first-year Coach Fred Leininger.

In the first Orange Empire Conference game two weeks ago, Charlesworth had three goals in Cypress’ 6-3 victory over San Bernardino Valley. Two days later, he came back with two more goals as the Chargers defeated previously unbeaten Irvine Valley, 2-1.


Cypress is 5-2-2 overall, 3-0-1 in conference play, and tied for second with defending state champions Orange Coast, a half-game behind Rancho Santiago. Rancho Santiago plays OCC Tuesday and Cypress Friday.

In the two seasons before this, Cypress was a combined 6-25-8 overall and 1-16-3 in conference.

Charlesworth’s scoring outbreak has been odd for a couple of reasons. He plays center halfback, a position that normally calls for getting the ball to the forwards more than scoring.


But in Cypress’ system, he has more freedom to play up the field and to take shots.

It was the very act of shooting that Charlesworth struggled with before coming to Cypress in late August for the start of the school year. He was performing so poorly, he didn’t think he could play at the community college level.

“I was playing pretty badly before,” he said. “I was really frustrated all summer until we were playing a team from Bangladesh. I took like a 40-yarder and it went in. That gave me my confidence back.”

Charlesworth, from Servite High School, originally planned only to attend classes at Cypress. But bolstered by his late-summer success, he figured college soccer was worth a try.

After a week of tryouts, he was told he had made the team, and soon after that, he earned a starting spot.

“I had no idea if I was good enough to play in college,” he said. “But I guess I can play on this level.”

Bakersfield (4-0) continues to lead the Southern California football poll for the third consecutive week.


But Fullerton (4-0) has taken over the second spot, thanks to El Camino’s 24-14 loss to Riverside Saturday.

Moorpark (4-0) is third, Golden West (4-0) fourth, Cerritos (4-1) fifth, Riverside (3-1) sixth and El Camino (4-1) has dropped from second to seventh. Pasadena (4-1) is eighth, Mt. San Jacinto (4-0) ninth and Orange Coast (3-1) 10th.

In the biggest game of the week, top-ranked Bakersfield plays host to third-ranked Moorpark Saturday in a 7:30 p.m. game.

El Camino, which was the top-ranked team in the J.C. Grid-Wire poll before its loss to Riverside, is at Fullerton Saturday for a 7 p.m. game.

For most of the 30 years Hal Sherbeck has coached at Fullerton, the Hornets have considered the pass as the best way to move the football.

But so far this season, Fullerton has become more ground-bound, gaining 1,161 yards in only four games. The team’s 290.3 yards per game average is tops in the 16-team Mission Conference.


Freshman tailback Brian Williams leads the Hornets with 360 yards in 55 carries. Sophomore quarterback Eric Robinson is second with 299 yards in 57 attempts, and Coy Collins, another freshman tailback, is third with 267 yards in 50 rushes.

Community College Notes

The Saddleback women’s volleyball team, coached by Fran Cummings, opened the season with four consecutive victories, but illnesses and injuries have since slowed the Gauchos. With four players out, Saddleback is left with six--the number it takes to play. The Gauchos lost twice last week in Orange Empire Conference play. . . . The Saddleback tennis program and Chick’s Sporting Goods of Laguna Hills are co-sponsoring an all-comers tennis tournament Oct. 20-21 and Oct. 27-28 at the college and area courts. There will be 15 competitive age divisions, and the cost is $16 for singles and $24 for doubles. Applications are available at the college’s athletic office or at Chick’s and must be turned in by Oct. 12. For more information, call the college at 582-4547. The money raised goes toward the Saddleback tennis program.
