
ORANGE : Smoller Didn’t List Expense, Lewis Says

Assemblyman John R. Lewis (R-Orange) filed a complaint with the state Fair Political Practices Commission on Tuesday, charging that his Democratic opponent in the Nov. 6 election, Fred Smoller, failed to report the cost of producing a cable television ad on his campaign finance statements.

“He should have to live by the same kinds of laws that I do,” said Lewis, who is seeking reelection to his 67th Assembly District seat. Lewis added that he recently spent--and reported--$2,800 to produce a television spot.

Smoller, a Chapman College professor and first-time candidate, said he did not report the production costs because Orange resident Jay Boylan produced the ad for just $50--less than the $100 threshold that mandates reporting.


“The person donated his services to me as part of the campaign,” Smoller said, adding that he would amend his statement if necessary. “I’m pleased that Mr. Lewis is paying so much attention to his opponent to point it out to me.”

Boylan said he normally would charge between $1,500 and $2,000 to produce an ad similar to Smoller’s, which has been shown on Cablevision of Orange.

FPPC spokeswoman Sandra Michioku declined to comment on Lewis’ complaint but said donated professional services do not have to be reported as in-kind contributions.
