
FILLMORE : Budget Cuts Include Council’s Stipends

Fillmore City Council members gave up their $75 monthly stipend as part of an effort to trim more than $65,000 from the city’s 1990-91 budget.

The council also voted Tuesday to cut several programs to offset new Ventura County charges for booking suspects into the County Jail and for collecting property taxes.

Cutting the council’s stipend will save the city about $5,000 a year. The city will have to pay the county about $56,000 in booking fees and $8,583 for property tax collection.


At the suggestion of Finance Director Mark Ryan, city recreation programs will be reduced by $18,000. A drop-in, after-school program will be discontinued and a swimming program will be reduced by $6,700.

Cuts in police services include $3,000 from an anti-drug program in local schools.

The council declined to delete $9,900 from police special events overtime for the Christmas and May Festival parades.

Additional savings were made by reallocating salaries to other agencies, including the sewer and water funds, even though some council members predicted that consumer fees will increase as a result.


About $4,000 must still be cut from the budget to meet projected costs.
