
Property Tax Bills to Be Mailed Oct. 19

More than $428 million in property tax bills will be mailed Oct. 19, and taxpayers have until Dec. 10 to pay at least the first installment.

The bill can be paid in two equal installments, the second of which is due April 10, said John McKinney, assistant treasurer-tax collector.

Bills postmarked after the due dates will be assessed a 10% penalty, he said. People who bought property after March 1 and do not receive a tax bill should contact the tax collector’s office. Failure to receive a tax statement does not mean that delinquency penalties will be canceled, officials said.


Payments can be mailed or made in person. The tax collector’s office will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 8.

Property taxes represent 1% of the full value of the property. The $428-million figure for the county is $53 million more than last year, a 14% increase, and is mostly due to new construction, McKinney said.


The total assessed value of property in Ventura County has increased 59.5% in the last six years. The schools are the recipients of the greatest chunck of the revenue from property taxes.
