
Torrance Police OK 2-Year Contract

The Torrance police union on Wednesday approved a new two-year contract, ending more than two months of tense relations between the union and city officials as police worked without a contract.

Terms include a 5% cost-of-living increase in the first year and an increase of 4% to 7.5% in the second year, depending on the consumer price index.

Members of the Torrance Police Officers Assn. voted 90 to 39 in favor of the contract, said President David A. Nemeth. The terms won unanimous approval from the Torrance City Council Tuesday night.


The last police contract expired July 31. Relations between union leaders and the council deteriorated after council members rejected an earlier agreement worked out by negotiators.

In addition to cost-of-living increases, the contract provides special raises for newly hired officers and a system of graduated salary increases for senior staff. Thus, the starting salary for new officers will increase from $32,976 to $37,092, and top-scale salaries for officers with 20 years of experience will increase from $42,936 a year to $46,032.
