
Assassin’s Bullet Misses Aoun, Hits Aide at Rally in Christian Enclave

From Associated Press

A gunman fired at Gen. Michel Aoun today as he addressed thousands of supporters in the Lebanese capital’s Christian enclave, but the bullet missed the general and struck one of his aides, Aoun’s radio station said.

The assassination attempt came shortly after the Syrian army moved thousands of troops toward the enclave for an expected attack on Aoun’s headquarters.

The radio said Aoun’s supporters saw the gunman aiming a pistol at the general and pushed him before he fired. The radio said the assailant was questioned by military officials and confessed that he was ordered to kill Aoun. The radio did not say who gave that order.


The broadcast said the attack came as Aoun talked to his supporters who have formed a human shield around the presidential palace in the encircled Christian enclave in an attempt to forestall the expected Syrian attack.

Aoun used the same human shield tactic last year to prevent a Syrian assault.

“I am ready to die on the battlefield of honor rather than surrender. Be sure I shall die fighting,” Aoun told the cheering crowds around the hilltop palace east of Beirut in Baabda, Lebanon’s Christian heartland.

The Syrians overnight moved thousands of troops and dozens of tank columns to the major entrances of Aoun’s territory in what a Lebanese government official said was “another step in the march to end Aoun’s mutiny.”
