

These are the candidates seeking three seats on the Stanton City Council in the Nov. 6 election. Incumbent Martha V. Weishaupt did not file for reelection. Another seat has been vacant since July, when Councilman Charles Babler resigned for health reasons. Edward L. Allen Age: 70 Occupation: Incumbent mayor; retired Stanton police chief. Background: Has lived in the county since 1953 and in Stanton for the last 20 years; spent 23 years in law enforcement; is active in the Retired Seniors Volunteer Program. Issues: Increase number of businesses in community and keep them by promoting a positive city identity. Harry M. Dotson Age: 64 Occupation: Retired Department of Energy officer. Background: Has lived in Stanton for 32 years; has spent 13 years on the city Planning Commission and is now chairman; current president of board of directors of the Stanton Neighborhood Center. Issues: Wants to improve business and industrial ties with the community and improve city’s image. Joe V. Harris Age: 54 Occupation: Retired quality control inspector at American Can Co. Background: Has lived in Stanton for 26 years; was a United Steelworkers Union official on the grievance committee; former city planning commissioner; Air Force veteran. Issues: Advocates new leadership; wants to keep businesses in the city and attract new businesses. Rand W. Hogan Age: 28 Occupation: Sales service representative. Background: Neighborhood group organizer; current planning commissioner; former Community Affairs Committee member. Issues: Protect and improve residential and business communities; improve overall image of Stanton. Don Martinez Age: 40 Occupation: Retail associate and consultant. Background: Born and reared in Stanton; former member of the Orange County Citizen Direction Finding Commission; former member of the Stanton Parks and Recreation Commission; former chairman and present vice chairman of the city Planning Commission. Issues: Reduce violent crime and drug use; promote economic development.
