
‘Blue Lagoon’ Impact

Having returned from a three-month trip to Fiji a while back, we must respond to the impudent article in Outtakes titled “ ‘Blue Lagoon II’: To Hell and Back” (Sept. 30). We can only say that we hope there is not a “Blue Lagoon III.”

The quotation, “If this is paradise, I’ll go back to hell, where I belong” strikes us as being the epitome of the ugly American abroad.

What upsets us the most is that these oh-so-Western people (of the “Blue Lagoon II” movie production) have tainted still another beautiful section of Fiji instead of returning to the Yasawas where the first picture was done.


Of all the places we visited in Fiji, only one left a bitter taste, and that was the Yasawas, where Western ideas--by way of the Blue Lagoon Cruises--continue to poison the natives’ minds and their land.

So many of us view Fiji and other Third World countries as being extremely poor and unfortunate in that they do without so much. Well, the Fijians are by far some of the happiest, most carefree, generous and warmhearted people one could ever be fortunate enough to meet.



Redondo Beach
