
PLATFORM : Upholding Values

<i> CINDY AVAKIAN is program manager at KBRT-AM, a Christian talk-radio station in Costa Mesa. Avakian and KBRT have called for protests and boycotts against changes in the rating system for adult films. She told The Times:</i>

I’m concerned about the showing of NC-17 (adults only) films in malls and multiplex theaters because it’s easily accessible to kids and teen-agers. A young person might buy a ticket for another movie, but, once inside, they could probably get into any of the movies.

The new rating essentially replaces the X rating. I think NC - 17 has a softer image than an X.

Pornographic films eat away from people on the inside and we can see the results on the outside. One study said sexually suggestive films increase aggressive behavior toward women.

Showing these films in neighborhood theaters sends communities into a downward spiral in terms of upholding good family values and good morals.


I don’t think it’s realistic to think the industry will cease making X-rated films. But if these films were banned from neighborhood theaters, that would be one step in the right direction.
