
Galanter Promised, but Didn’t Deliver

Years ago a man named Peter swore that he loved Christ and that he would never deny Him, but did so anyway. The good news is that he did so only three times, wept bitterly, did not do it again and became a saint.

Three years ago our 6th District councilwoman swore allegiance and concern for her voters, got elected and then denied them. The not so good news is that she continues to deny them over and over and over again.

We are continually denied in several ways:

* Many of us pay hefty property taxes for services we are denied, such as street cleaning.

* Many of us are addressed by name on her political mail but addressed as “Dear Resident” on letters to us as homeowners dealing with issues she doesn’t support.


* She will fight to the death to preserve the life and safety of a few endangered butterflies but will deny the same consideration for endangered children on or next to busy streets.

* She can’t do enough for the roller skaters in Venice but shows little interest in the families living on 91st Street who were overwhelmed months ago by traffic brought on by the closure of La Tijera Boulevard for construction.

* When she disagrees with constituents, if she responds at all she prefers to intimidate and talk down to them rather than work with them on a compromise.


Where is the Ruth Galanter who wooed our hearts and votes a few years ago? No one’s seen her since the election.


Playa del Rey
