
Disguised Bandits Rob Homes in 2 Incidents : Crime: Six men posing as police officers hit a Bell house. Thieves wearing Halloween masks strike in West Los Angeles.


Two members of a Los Angeles family were bound and robbed Tuesday by masked gunmen who stole into their home, the second time in two days that disguised bandits have held up residents in their homes, authorities said.

In the first incident, six men posing as police officers talked their way into a Bell home on Monday, handcuffed the residents and robbed them of jewelry and about $7,000 cash, said Bell Police Detective Hector Camacho.

Alejandrino Moya, who lives in the home in the 6300 block of Pala Avenue, said he was in his kitchen when the imposters appeared in the doorway and demanded to be let in.


“I opened the door,” said Moya, who was at home with his wife, three children and 6-month-old grandson. “They put a gun to my face, said they were from the police and that I was under arrest.”

Moya, 44, said one of the bandits slapped a pair of handcuffs on him and ordered the family onto the floor--where they stayed during the 10-minute robbery.

While the gunmen were ransacking the home, a neighbor heard the commotion and phoned police. When officers arrived, the men bolted from the home. Two were chased by the officers and arrested. Three escaped on foot, and one commandeered a van at gunpoint and fled, police said.


After the arrests, police confiscated security guard badges, walkie-talkies, handcuffs, cellular phones, flashlights and radio scanners.

The two who were arrested were booked on suspicion of armed robbery and are being held at the Bell Police Station, Camacho said. They are expected to be arraigned today in Huntington Park.

In the second, unrelated, incident, four or five gunmen--two wearing Halloween masks of Bozo the Clown and former President Richard M. Nixon--slipped into a West Los Angeles home Tuesday morning and robbed the residents of jewelry and about $100 cash, said Los Angeles Police Detective Pete Waack.


The gunmen had tried to climb through a side window of the house in the 3200 block of south Barrington Avenue when one resident of the home, Jerry Rivlin, 42, awoke and discovered them.

During an ensuing scuffle, Rivlin was hit in the head with a gun butt and tied up, Waack said. Rivlin’s sister, who had been outside watering the lawn but ran in when she heard the fight, was also bound.

The men robbed the two and fled, Waack said.

“And the only suspects we have right now are Bozo and Richard Nixon,” Waack said.

Times staff writer Tracy Wilkinson contributed to this story.
