
New and Cheaper Macs Finally Give Users Better Value

LAWRENCE J. MAGID <i> is a Silicon Valley-based computer analyst and writer</i>

I’ve always liked the Apple Macintosh but I’ve had trouble recommending Macs to budget-minded computer shoppers. Apple has just changed the equation.

On Monday, the company announced three new Macs--each designed to increase the company’s share of the personal computer market. The cheapest machine, the Macintosh Classic, has a suggested retail price of $999. The Mac LC is the lowest cost Mac capable of displaying color. The Mac IIsi is now the lowest-cost member of the top-of-the-line Macintosh II family.

The Classic, while more expensive than many IBM clones, is nevertheless a good buy for home and small business users who want an easy-to-use computer at a reasonable price. The LC and IIsi, while cheaper than previous Mac II models, are still quite pricey compared to many similarly equipped IBM compatibles. But if you like the Mac and want color and expandability, they’re definitely worth considering. If you decide to buy an LC or IIsi, you’ll save money by purchasing the basic unit and shopping around for a compatible monitor.


The Mac Classic is a replacement for both the Mac SE and Mac Plus. Like the Macs it replaces, the Classic is a compact machine with a built-in 9-inch black and white monitor. The unit uses the same Motorola 68000 central processing unit (CPU) as the SE and Plus.

The $999 system comes with 1 megabyte (MB) of memory, a keyboard and a single 1.44 MB floppy disk drive. The unit can be expanded with extra memory (up to 4 MB) and an optional hard disk from Apple or another company. Apple also announced a $1,499 Classic that comes with 2 MB of memory and a 40 MB internal hard disk.

All Macs come with the operating system software--an extra cost item on some IBM compatible machines. Macs also include a built-in port for connecting to a local area network along with connectors for a printer, modem, external floppy disk drive and audio. A Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) port makes it easy to plug in an external hard disk, scanner, compact disc drive and other peripheral equipment. All current-generation Macintoshes also come with a 1.44 MB floppy disk drive which is able to read and write 3 1/2-inch IBM PC and Apple IIe disks as well as Macintosh disks.


The Macintosh LC may be the cheapest color-capable Mac, but it’s more expensive than many IBM-compatible color systems. The basic unit, which comes with 2 MB of memory and a 40 MB hard disk, has a suggested price of $2,499 without a monitor. Apple color monitors start at $599, setting the price of a color system at about $3,100.

The LC has a Motorola 68020 CPU which runs at 16 megahertz--about the same speed as the original Mac II but slower than the current generation of Macintosh II systems. The machine will not be available in volume until late January, 1991.

Apple also announced a $199 expansion card that will allow the LC to run Apple IIe software. This card, along with deep discounts to schools, could make the LC the computer of choice for primary and secondary education. The card will be available in March, 1991.


The LC does not have the same expansion slots as the Macintosh II. It does have one Direct Slot that makes it possible to add some peripheral equipment. The machine has all the usual Macintosh connectors as well as a built-in display adapter for a color or monochrome monitor.

The Macintosh IIsi, which is now available, features a 20-megahertz Motorola 68030 CPU which, according to Apple, runs programs about five times faster than the Macintosh Classic. While other Macintosh II machines have at least three built-in expansion slots, the IIsi has only one slot. To use that slot, you need to buy a $249 adapter card. The keyboard and monitor are not included.

Both the LC and the IIsi come with a sound input jack and a microphone. Aside from lower cost components, sound input represents the only technological difference between these and previous Macs.

Unfortunately, Apple did not include sound input on the Mac Classic, but it is possible to add sound input to that or any other Mac by purchasing the $249 Mac Recorder from Farallon Computing of Emeryville, Calif.

Apple’s new prices make it a lot easier for me to recommend the Macintosh. Although Macs are still more expensive than many similarly equipped IBM compatibles, they are no longer overpriced for what they deliver. What’s more, all Macs come with built-in features, which are not always included in the base price of IBM compatibles.

The hard-disk-equipped Mac Classic, at $1,499, is reasonably priced for what it delivers. While it doesn’t display color and it’s not as fast as the high-end systems, it is easy to use and it comes with everything you need except a printer and application software.


Computer File welcomes readers’ comments but regrets that the author cannot respond individually to letters. Write to Lawrence J. Magid, P.O. Box 620477, Woodside, Calif. 94062, or contact the L. Magid account on the MCI electronic mail system.


Macintosh Classic

A compact machine with a built-in 9-inch monochrome monitor. It features an 8 megahertz Motorola 68000 CPU and a 1.44 MB floppy disk drive.

Price: $999 for a system with 1 MB of memory; $1,499 for a system with 2 MB of memory and a 40-MB hard disk.

Available: Now

Macintosh LC

Apple’s lowest cost color system. It has a 68020 CPU at 16 megahertz and can also run Apple II software with an optional expansion card. It has a slim design, only 3 inches high, and comes with a sound input jack and a microphone for voice annotation.

Memory and Storage: 2 MB of memory (expandable to 10 MB); 40 MB hard disk.

Price: $2,499 without a monitor. Apple monochrome monitor costs $299. Apple color monitors start at $599.

Available: Volume shipments in January, 1991. Apple IIe cards expected in March, 1991.

Macintosh IIsi

The lowest-cost Macintosh II. Features a Motorola 68030 CPU at 20 megahertz. It has one expansion slot that can be used for either a Mac II NuBus card or a Mac SE/30 style “processor direct slot” card.


Price: $3,769 with 2 MB of RAM and 40 MB hard disk; $4,569 for 5 MB RAM and 80 MB hard disk. Add $249 for the NuBus or Direct Slot adapter. Price does not include monitor or keyboard.

Available: Now.
