
Compton : Council Mulls Whether to Appoint or Elect New Mayor

The Compton City Council adopted a resolution by a 3-1 vote Tuesday declaring a vacancy for the mayoral position, which has been empty since the death of Mayor Walter Tucker. The resolution was passed to comply with City Charter requirements.

Council member Bernice Woods, who voted against the adoption, said the council will discuss how the position will be filled at the next scheduled meeting Oct 23. Councilman Maxcy Filer, the mayor pro tem, is temporarily presiding over the meetings.

The council has 30 days after declaring the seat vacant to either appoint someone to fill the position or schedule a special election, City Clerk Charles Davis said.


If a special election is held, the winner will have to run again in the April election to complete the remaining two years of Tucker’s term, Davis said.

Tucker, 66, died of cancer on Oct. 1. He had been mayor for nine years.
