
ANAHEIM : Union Head Scolds Mayoral Candidate

The president of the Anaheim Municipal Employees Assn. criticized mayoral candidate Irv Pickler at this week’s City Council meeting for accusing the city firefighters’ union of supporting his rival--Councilman Fred Hunter--in order to obtain a better contract.

“It does upset me a great deal when I hear anyone attacking the unions of this city,” said Sharon Ericson, AMEA president, at Tuesday’s council meeting. “Keep in mind that one of those firefighters you’re trying to make look so bad may be the last face you see before you die.”

The union president’s brief, sharply worded attack did not name Pickler, but was aimed at him and Councilwoman Miriam Kaywood, who is seeking reelection and often allies herself with Pickler on the divided council.


Pickler declined comment. Kaywood, however, pointed out that she is supportive of the firefighters union and is the only citizen in the city to have the title of honorary firefighter.

Ericson’s blast came about a week after Pickler held a press conference on the steps of City Hall and quoted the firefighters’ newsletter, which stated that the only way members could obtain a better contract with the city would be to vote for a new, supportive majority on the council.

During the press conference, Pickler said he supported the contract the city offered the union last summer, which the union rejected. That three-year contract would have given members an 8% pay raise the first year, 6% the second year and 4% the third year.


The union maintains a pay raise is only part of the continuing contract dispute and that firefighters endorse candidates in every election, not only when contracts are pending.
