
Hahn in Good Condition After Being Hospitalized

Veteran Los Angeles County Supervisor Kenneth Hahn was hospitalized Friday complaining of “chest discomfort,” an aide said. He was in good condition in the cardiac care unit at Daniel Freeman Memorial Hospital in Inglewood.

Hahn, 70, who suffered a stroke in 1987 that left him partly paralyzed, was taken by his county driver to the hospital “for precautionary reasons,” said Hahn spokeswoman Lynn Sakamoto.

Hahn missed work Monday and Tuesday complaining of flu-like symptoms, but briefly attended Thursday morning’s board meeting. The supervisor will undergo tests and remain at the hospital a few days, Sakamoto said.


Sakamoto described Hahn as alert and said that he sent word from his hospital bed through an aide for her to prepare a news release applauding the board vote Thursday to impose restrictions on wood roofs, something Hahn has long sought.
